Wednesday, 11 February 2015


I chose a circle as a symbol of what I want to become because a circle is round and I want to be a well-rounded person. That’s the thing about people, we are unique, and we have a lot of sides that may sometimes contradict each other. I want to be a circle because a circle has no sides that contradict one another, it’s a clear continuous smooth-sailing shape with no difficult sides to draw and I want to be like that.  I want to be continuous or consistent in developing, I don’t want to reach a dead end and just wither. It’s smooth-sailing because it has no sides to pick, it chooses what it thinks is correct and it’s flexible. 

 However, drawing a circle is different because it is very difficult. To draw a circle using a shape with a circle is cheating because that is not your work, that is plagiarism, you are merely molding a circle from somebody’s circle and not your own. Your circle should define you and if your circle is carved from somebody else’s then you lose your circle, it’s okay to be inspired but to carve your life to be like someone else is different.
Lots of sketches and time are needed to form a perfect circle. But there is always a ruler that can guide you and you need to find them in your life. I’ve already found my ruler and now I’m sketching my perfect circle, I threw a lot of papers that I sketched for the past years, they are not perfect like what I want but they all helped me realize the value of my circle that I want to create. I’m sketching my circle with the help of my rulers, hopefully, this sketch will be the one but if not, then I will get a new paper and try again

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